I have loved art for as long as I can remember and spent most of my childhood spare time drawing.
My current work is largely painting in oils, based heavily on a foundation of drawing, an activity which has stayed with me and is a prolific part of my everyday life.
My work is fuelled by my personal experiences and I suppose my daily sketches are a kind of therapeutic diary.Working with print making and sculpture allows me to convey the sensitivity and expressiveness that these two mediums bring to my work. I have had many influences , including Kathe Kollwitz, Anselm Kiefer, Paula Rego and Alberto Giacometti.I am also influenced by philosophical and psychological concepts, which can be found everyhere in real life situations as well as the works of Parmenides of Elea (5th century BC),Benedict Spinoza (1632-1677) and David Bohm.
I like to layer my work with different ideas and concepts and hopefully one person viewing my work will see something different to the next person.
My current work is an oil painting on a large cylinder made from plywood, 5 feet in diameter by 7 feet high. The painting is a family situation and is painted all around the cylinder in an on going representation of lifes cycle repeating itself. I have started to look at and introduce basic theoretical physics into my work, such as connectivity and string theory, with the idea that everything in the universe is connected to everything else.